TOEFL Vocabulary and Grammar (PDF + Audio) +53 5 4225338

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TOEFL Vocabulary and Grammar (PDF + Audio)

Collins-TOEFL vocabulary and grammar is the best book that You can get for building your TOEFL Vocabulary and Grammar.

This title is designed to help students master the vocabulary and grammar that they require to get a high score in the TOEFL test. The book also exposes students to the task types they will encounter in the TOEFL test. There are tips and strategies for how to approach the various test tasks which will enable students to improve their skills, gain confidence, and achieve the score they need.
Download TOEFL Vocabulary and Grammar(PDF+Audio)
Who is this book for?

This book is intended as a preparatory tool for any student intending to take the TOEFL test. It provides an introduction to the vocabulary and grammar that are needed in all sections of the test.

Why are vocabulary and grammar important to the test?


A good knowledge of general academic vocabulary is essential for all four sections of the test. The reading and listening sections both have specific vocabulary questions that check to understand of vocabulary in context.

Rubrics for the speaking section include “effective use of vocabulary” and rubrics for the writing section include “appropriate word choice and idiomaticity” The speaking and writing sections of the test also require you to read academic texts and paraphrase or summarize them in your own words.

As well as knowledge of academic vocabulary, you will need to be able to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words by using context and applying knowledge of word roots, suffixes, and prefixes.


Although the TOEFL iBT Test doesn’t have specific grammar questions, knowledge of English sentence structure and the ability to understand and use a range of grammatical structures is necessary for all sections of the test.

For the speaking section, you should be able to speak confidently, without obvious grammatical errors that could distort meaning.

According to the speaking section rubrics, the candidate should “demonstrate effective use of grammar” and “exhibit a high degree of automaticity, with good control of basic and complex structures? For the writing section, students should “display facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary? A good understanding of grammatical structures is also required to understand the passages and answer the questions in the reading and listening sections.

What kind of vocabulary is included in this book?

The vocabulary has been selected according to two criteria:

Main academic subject areas: arts, life science, social science, and physical science. Although you are not expected to have specialized content knowledge, you are expected to have a good understanding of the content-specific words that are commonly used in all of these academic areas. These are not all the words you will need, but will give you a starting point for expanding your vocabulary in each area.

The Academic Word List. This is a list of 570 words that are most commonly used in academic contexts. The selection is based on samples of academic texts from a wide range of subject areas and includes general academic words that are commonly used in a// subject areas; it does not include subject-specific words.

This book also helps you develop word attack skills. Dictionary Skills and Word Building boxes throughout help you to notice roots, prefixes, and suffixes so that you can expand your vocabulary. Study Tip and Test Tip boxes give you strategies for maximizing your study efforts and how to approach specific test question types.
What kind of grammar is included?

The grammar points have been selected according to which grammar will be most useful for you in the test. You will need to have a general level of grammatical accuracy in order to achieve a high score. You will also need specific aspects of grammar for specific questions in the test. For example, question 3 in the speaking section asks you to summarize a problem and make a recommendation, and these points are presented and practiced in Grammar Unit 7.
What other skills do I need?

Good levels of vocabulary and grammar are essential in order to achieve a high score. However, you will also need to practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as academic skills, such as note-taking, paraphrasing, and summarizing. You can develop these skills by reading and listening to authentic academic materials in English, as well as by using practice books such as Collins Skills for the TOEFL /BP’ Test: Reading and Writing and Collins Skills for the TOEFL iBT® Test
Listening and Speaking.

How does this book help me prepare for the test?

In addition to helping you to learn and practice the vocabulary and grammar you will need for the test, this book will also help you to become familiar with the question types that you will meet in the test.

Every unit in the book contains questions similar to those in the test, using texts that are shorter and easier than actual TOEFL test questions. All the question types found in the test are practiced in a variety of different academic contexts.

If you know what question types to expect, and what types of answers are required, this will increase your chance of achieving a high score.